Cat Training
For all ages *VIRTUAL ONLY*
Yes, Cat training does exist, and not only is it very possible to train a cat, but it is incredibly fun and can greatly increase your bond with your kitty. We will help you teach your cat(s) fun and practical skills that can increase their activity, especially for those indoor cats, and even help you resolve any unwanted behaviours.
Some things you will learn:
have your cat come when called
teach your cat to go into and be comfortable in a kennel
proper physical and mental stimulation
how to walk your cat on a harness and leash
And so much more!
Initial Consult - $110+tax/1 hour​
Single Private Session - $55+tax/30 minutes
Kitty Kindergarten - $275+tax
6 training lessons
Requires a training clicker and target stick
Clicker and treat pouch included *
*if you are a virtual client, it is your responsibility to pay shipping charges for pouch and clickers
Cat Class - $275 +tax
6 training lessons
Requires a training clicker and target stick
(This course is for those who wish to continue working with their kitties learning fun tricks and continuing working on those behaviours from Kitty Kindergarten)

Adult Life Skills
For dogs 7 months and older
Does your dog need a bit of a refresher on their manners?
Have you recently added an older dog into your family?
We can help give you the tools to get their manners on point, learn some neat tricks, and help you get that well-mannered family member everyone can enjoy.
Life Skills - teaching your pup the foundations, and starting to get those foundations under stimulus control
Behavioural Issues* -teaching you the skills needed to help your pup overcome fears, overstimulation and anxiety.
Single Sessions- just need a bit of help introducing a behaviour? I also offer single sessions to give you a place to ask those burning questions
*Behavioural Concerns: Initial consultation required. Prices will vary depending on the lesson plan required
Initial Consultation - $110+tax/1 hour
Single Private Session - $55+tax/30 min
3 Session Package - $132+tax for 3 - 30 minute sessions
6 Session Package - $275+tax for 6 - 30 minute sessions
7 Session Clicker Training Package - $330+tax
1 - 30 minute intro to clicker training
6- 30 minute training sessions with you and your pup
A treat pouch and 2 clickers*
*if you are a virtual client, it is your responsibility to pay shipping charges for pouch and clickers

Scent Work Training
For all ages
Scent Work is a fun and creative game to play with your dog and helps you to tap into one of their strongest instincts; using their noses! Scent work is a great way to:
Tire out exuberant dogs
Help young dogs gain confidence
Help older dogs get mental stimulation and exercise without having to take long daily walks
Allow fearful dogs to partake in a fun new activity without fear of negative interactions as there is ZERO dog to dog interactions
Much more!
Intro to Scent Work - $44+tax/30 minutes
Scent Work Level 1 - $220+tax
6 sessions of level 1 scent work during which your pup is taught how to use their nose to find primary(food) hides
Scent Work Level 2 - $220+tax
6 sessions of scent work in which your pup beings to learn how to search for odour
Scent Work Level 3 - $220+tax
6 sessions of scent work in which we add in new challenges, new locations, and new fun!
We understand that we live in an ever-changing world. This is why Northern Noses offers BOTH In-person private training sessions as well as virtual.
No matter what training method you choose, you can be assured that your puppy's success is our highest priority.
Regardless of whether we are in-person or online, you will receive the same level of training and commitment.